
Showing posts from June, 2019

Learning and Development beyond the tools and tactics?

"You evolve your operating model from enabling flow to enabling hypotheses to enabling learning. At scale. The evolving control systems for this journey need to be necessarily human centred. For that will define your brand." Sudhir Kesavan Three real world challenges for 'L&D' to enable change in an organisation: How to develop teams who can live with (and remove) complexity; How to identify and break down unhelpful silos; How to role model an alternative to bureaucracy. Paul works with human centred L&D teams who are trying to look beyond tools and tactics

'Command and Control' managers like to buy change by 'training' and 'projects'...

" Command-and-control managers like to buy change by training and projects, unaware that change really requires changing the system and unaware that that means first being prepared to change the way they think about the design and management of work. " John Seddon Most corporate 'L&D' continues to collaborate with "command-and-control" managers. Often 'L&D' are engaged in "capability and culture change initiatives" however the result of most of their efforts is keeping the work system in their organisations consistent, standardised and scalable. This includes: 'Training in' fixed, predetermined skills lists; Compliance and mandated 'learning'; Developing 'content' that links to Management approved 'capability frameworks'; 'High potentials schemes'; Designing 'interventions' to support standardised job descriptions. So, some new questions for corporate 'L&D' ...