Notes on 'radical' corporate learning and development
"I think a major act of leadership right now, call it a radical act, is to create the places and processes where people can learn together using our experiences.' Margaret J Wheatley Lack of acknowledgement of systems and systems change by L&D leaders is increasingly indefensible The level of deliberate 'transformation' / transition in the corporate L&D function should be equal to or greater than the level of change / transition across the organisation as a whole The L&D function needs an 'appetite statement' that confirms the new level of ambition and expectation " People don't have time to learn " is a systemic red flag (as "learning" still only means "training") The training paradigm persists as it's in the interests of L&D leaders and senior managers to collude to maintain it Generic content libraries can't (possibly) change performance Interaction rich highly contextual approaches can enable perfo...