The Learning and Development function continues to focus on the wrong 3 things...

Much of L&D's time continues to be focused on 3 things:

1. Bringing control; (of 'content', 'delivery' and admin.)
2. Creating 'programs'; (which only help with the diminishing business problem of speed to compliance)
3. Demonstrating a useful identity; (not just interrupting busy workers...)

I believe there are 3 new things that L&D should focus on instead:

1. Bringing clarity; helping leaders and teams to understand a learning culture and how they can contribute through their own work
2. Creating connections; developing the conditions for individuals and teams to move their knowledge, experiences and ideas easily across the organisation
3. Demonstrating confidence; providing a new leadership blueprint for the organisation to follow: curiosity, adaptability, reflection, failure tolerance, better questions, problem solving, horizon scanning and communication.

Paul helps L&D teams to step up and do more of the important work that matters


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