Learning and Development teams - beware the 'grab bag' projects

"When someone proposes something like "redesign the Files section" that's a grab-bag, not a project."

Jason Yip

Much L&D time continues to focus on the latest 'grab-bags' and not the real projects.

A real project is redefining what now constitutes 'high performance' and why for leaders and workers in the digital era.

A real project is helping leaders to stop describing everything using just industrial era metaphors.

A real project is coaching leaders to start to keep score of what really creates value for workers today.

A real project is actively helping to break down barriers that hold back organisations:
i.   A lack of understanding of context; (how are we creating value, for who and and why?);
ii.  Inconsistent communication;
iii. The barriers to connection and participation.

These real projects present a new opportunity for L&D to step up, to step forward and to change the conversation.

(Meanwhile L&D still seems dominated by small ideas. Reacting to someone else's 'urgent problem' and offering short-term fixes. A 'learning gatekeeper' when leaders and workers desperately need a door opener).

Paul helps L&D teams who want to solve difficult problems that change the organisations they serve for the better.


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