There's a clear choice for every business: Control or Learning?

"It's interesting that often human-made systems are based on accountability and control. The fear and power are always present. Alignment is valued over experimentation and learning. 

Are we able to create systems based on different assumptions?"

Hermanni Hyytiala

I'd argue that all of the institutional, culturally ingrained, tactical perspectives in corporate Learning and Development ("no seat at the table", "lack of time for learning", "leaders don't prioritise learning", "no-one uses our content", "how do we create a learning culture??") stem from this underlying systems challenge.

In reality Learning and Development teams are as well placed as anyone in the organisation to choose to lead and role model a new system based on different assumptions.

There's a simple choice: control or learning?

Paul helps Learning and Development leaders to identify and accelerate the most valuable and differentiating capabilities in their organisation


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