Digitising the old approach isn't "Transforming Learning and Development"
"The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision . You can't blow an uncertain trumpet." Jason Walker What if " moving the curriculum online " wasn't the real challenge at all?... Five alternative challenges for restless Learning and Development leaders: 1. Leading with new Confidence 'Learning' means enabling chang e - with and in the organisation. Choosing to take responsibility for change is the definition of leadership work. The age old Learning and Development question of " When will we be given a seat at the table? " is a hangover from the industrial management model - based on scarcity and positional power. Learning and Development can lead by choosing to take new responsibility - rather than waiting to be granted more 'authority'. 2. Connecting to a new work Context There have been two unstoppable forces at play in business which fundamentally shift the context within which the Learning and D...