L&D - Making the leap to organisational development

"After spending decades optimising operating models and digitising their business models, companies must now focus on humanising their management models"

Gary Hamel

The work of corporate L&D has (almost) exclusively focused on reinforcing and maintaining the status quo. The function has an opportunity to rethink its role and priorities and to create value in new ways - if it is to remain relevant in the digital era:

From following and implementing - to leading and role modeling

From spotting problems and creating ‘solutions’ - to enabling all parts to work together creatively

From a focus on ‘Management measurement’ - to a focus on improving quality of interaction

From directive and centralised - to facilitating good people to lead collaboratively

From a focus on process compliance and repeatability - to a drive for insight and reflection

From serving organisational status and hierarchy - to enabling interdependent networks

From maximising only current success measures - to a focus on the quality of impact on customers and teams

From structured annual KPI reporting - to empathetic, real time communication

From a purpose of “getting people to complete the allocated tasks” - to facilitating self starting, ownership and responsibility

I advise L&D leaders focused on developing more adaptable, human and future ready businesses.



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