The interconnectedness of perennial 'L&D' challenges

"The reason why we don't see the source of our problems is that the means by which we try to solve them is the source."

David Bohm

The 'Top 5 challenges for L&D leaders' - based on responses from folks planning to attend the 2021 annual Learning & Performance Institute 'Learning Live' conference:

1. "Digital transformation of learning."

2. "Building a learning and coaching culture."

3. "Supporting learning 'in the flow of work'."

4. "Leadership and management development."

5. "Driving employee engagement."

There are some perennial runners on this list of "Challenges" (symptoms?) - which in my opinion are all connected.

If we can acknowledge that sustainable business models are no longer based on centralised control - enabled through optimising efficiency and standardisation.

If we can agree that an individual's expectation of 'work', an employer, a 'boss' and the opportunity to lead and contribute have shifted (think COVID-19 pandemic).

We can see that creating the new conditions and social structures needed to create value for customers is the only transformational goal for 'L&D' to pursue now. 

Jocelyn Consulting Ltd - Progressive organisational learning strategy for modern business.


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