All the threads of 'corporate learning' are now interwoven

"We must distinguish between real change and fictitious change. The change which comes from without, from externally imposed training and discipline, is fictitious."


In the industrial work culture the 'L&D bit' was the last piece of a project. The final step, to wrap up everything that had been agreed, to summarise 'how things were now going to be', and to simply 'train it in'. This was the 'delivery' piece that got discussed when the 'important people' had already left the room.

But in today's world of work, value creation, connections and dependencies everything is now interwoven. This is a problem because most L&D teams still think, and operate, and 'measure success' separately and differently from the rest of the organisation.

In reality it's now hard to hitch the conversation on 'corporate learning' in one straight line because everything leads to something else:

Brand, business models, management models, business success metrics, organisational development, recruitment, 'on-boarding', 'values', retention, culture, 'performance', leadership, management, responsibility, role models, business priorities, business planning, 'employer brand', 'employee engagement', bureaucracy, compliance, agency, adaptability, technology, process optimisation, enrolment, affiliation, motivation, diversity, rewards, the status quo, 'change management', sustainability, new possibilities...   

Which leads back to the question:  What and who is ‘L&D for today?

Dynamic organisational learning strategy for mid sized companies


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