Assuming the Learning and Development function is trying to enable change?

"Be careful of asking the passengers and crew of the Titanic about the risk of the Titanic. They're on the ship, that tells you everything you need to know. If you paid for it or you're making a living from it, you're probably not going to have an objective risk view."

Paul Portesi

Most organisations still have lots of infrastructure around symptom identification and cost management but very little around enabling and accelerating continual learning. Set repertoires and processes. Approved tools and 'solutions'. 'Content' and 'resources'. All focused on 'fixing' individual workers.

The 'L&D' function is typically positioned as an active contributor to these accepted 'social norms' and the resulting work cultures they inevitably develop. 

But could this focus shift? - from identifying problems, creating 'solutions', and 'proof measurement' towards:

Enabling the evolution of the organisation and the quality of interaction, reflection and continual learning throughout.

As David Bohm says, "The reason we don't see the source of our problems is that means by which we try to solve them are the source."

In no particular order, here are some thoughts on why the means by which corporate L&D continues to approach 'problems' are in many respects, the source of the problem:

"Learning" = education (= recreate 'school at work' for adults)

Lack of ambition

Lack a compelling narrative - for a different future for themselves and for the organisation

Distance and disconnection from customer context, business model and management model

'Delivering content' as the learning strategy

Tactics ahead of goals

Status and hierarchy challenges - Order taking, 'aiming to please' mindset, awaiting permission, parent / child relationships, 'execution' focus over systems change

Technology as a distraction / crutch

Echo chambers - comfort / affirmation in own community / language / perspective / 'hero' voices

Belief that instructional design alone will win the day

Narrow worldview - 'Access and consumption of content = performance change'

Attracted by the stability of the status quo...

Dynamic organisational learning strategy for mid sized companies


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