CEOs - What your learning and development budget can and can't buy

"Short term thinking repeated again and again doesn't lead to long term thinking."

Seth Godin

Two time saving memos for busy CEOs:

What the annual learning and development budget $ can buy:

1. Software - to digitise, optimise, scale and track 'learning content' distribution

2. Third part contractors - to deliver one off 'learning events' or a series of 'learning events'

3. Subscription service packages - That enable automated access to externally sourced 'learning resources'

4. Tools to enable cheaper in-house creation of centralised and / or standardised 'learning programmes'

5. Industry awards

What the annual learning and development budget $ can't buy:

1. A new ambition - for the role and priority for learning within your organisation

2. A new leadership team commitment to learning  - over control - as the basis of continually developing your organisation to meet new challenges

3. Ownership and accountability from your leaders - for creating an environment that enables all employees to learn from and through their work

4. Recognition from your leaders that sustainable progress now comes from increasing agency and autonomy for those at the 'bottom' of the organisation

5. The new levels of psychological safety, enrolment, connection and reflection now required for your business to progress in a complex world.

Dynamic organisational development strategy for mid sized companies


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