Corporate Learning and Development - Are your trade offs deliberate?

"We are moving from a world of problems, which demand speed, analysis, and elimination of uncertainty to solve, to a world of dilemmas, which demand patience, sense-making and an engagement of uncertainty."

Denise Caron

What are the trade offs from the way your organisation approaches building capability and learning? 

(Are you even aware you're making trade offs?)

Are the trade offs clear, deliberate and explicit for all those involved and affected?

("Everyone understands the implications from our chosen approach and we recognise the pros and cons")

For examples:

Are you choosing to centralise ownership, leadership and responsibility for 'learning' across the business into one team ('L&D')? 

(over setting and acting a new expectation of learning as 'the work' for everyone in the organisation?)

Are you still banking on developing more compliant, standardised workers? 

(over prioritising creating agency and autonomy?)

Are you investing in the latest 'high priority skills' through codified training solutions? 

(over investing in more resilient, continual learning environments?)

Are you still leading with formal learning (educating 'learners')? 

(versus facilitating and accelerating exposure to new experiences, new connections and opportunities for more reflection?)

Are you still focusing on individuals' 'performance improvement'? 

(versus facilitating more efficient and effective connection and collaboration in and across teams?)

Are you prioritising technical challenges - process delivery, consistency of execution, standardisation? 

(versus enabling and accelerating adaptability?)

Are you still reinforcing and rewarding 'just deliver the target' cultures? 

(versus prioritising, enabling and rewarding new ideas and psychological safety?)

Are you digitising, optimising and scaling access to 'learning content' as the L&D strategy? 

(versus a strategy of defining and leading towards continual learning?)

Are you putting your faith in new technologies, tools and tactics? 

(versus collaborating - and challenging - to agree clearer goals and enabling strategies?)

Are you providing approved, commoditised, scalable, 'learning solutions'; 

(versus enabling exemplary performers to share their experiences, approaches and ideas so that others can benefit?)

So, what are you trading off from your choice of approach? 

Are you simply doing what you've always done? 

Are you simply doing what everyone knows and expects?

Who benefits? Who is changing? (Who is staying the same?).

Dynamic organisational development strategy for mid sized companies


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