New world work for corporate Learning and Development

"To navigate change companies need fear free cultures of diverse people and mindsets led by leaders who continuously learn, incentivise and train for change and worship no scared cows."

Rishad Tobaccowala 

What if we imagine a new focus for the contribution of corporate 'L&D'? 

To enable what is difficult, valuable and differentiating for our organisation today.

What might this collaborative work look like in practice

Prioritising support for the pockets of individuals, managers and teams where learning from and through work is already actively encouraged

Working with managers and team members to understand and agree on the work that needs to be improved and why

Working across teams to identify and define the gaps in 'performance' that need to be closed and why  

Coaching and role modelling that inspires people to take responsibility for their own continuous, self-managed inquiry and learning

Facilitating new opportunities to bring individuals and teams together across their 'functional' boundaries

Enabling and accelerating new connections and introductions in and across teams

Building and role modelling the environment for better questions and reflection

Finding and testing new ways for knowledge, ideas, information and feedback to move faster between teams

Providing platforms where exemplary performers discuss, share and accelerate their experiences and approaches so others benefit.


Or not so?

Dynamic organisational development strategy for mid sized companies


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