On 'digital transformation' (beyond using technology to optimise the status quo)

"When we see work as control, competition and extraction, there is an increasingly sharp conflict with work as a path of realising purpose and potential."

Simon Terry

What we could choose to mean by developing as a 'digital organisation':

Decisions are increasingly based on informed choices enabled by psychological safety and diversity, rather than 'policy compliance'

Active relationships, rather than the ability to 'accept instructions' is the new basis of growth and development

More and more work is carried out within a framework of purposefulness and self-direction, rather than directed 'from above'

The focus is deliberately shifting from 'tasks and roles' to relationships and interactions

People are increasingly responsible for their own actions, rather than seeing someone else, somewhere else as responsible

Work is progressively based on curiosity and exploration with others, inside and outside of the organisation 

Connected networks, rather than 'business units' or hierarchies become the main enablers of work

'Productivity' is being redefined - as creative learning and scaling up learning instead of just 'more output with less input'.

Dynamic organisational development strategy for mid sized companies



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