
Showing posts from October, 2021

Mindset shifts for corporate Learning and Development teams in 2021

"Those involved in 'education' have three options: 1) Make changes within the system 2) Press for changes to the system 3) Take initiatives outside the system." Sir Ken Robinson This is another post offering a shift in mindset for leaders responsible for enabling organisational learning. I make no apologies for this. The status quo in this area is strong and pervasive as it still serves the needs of all the players well. My position runs contrary to this passivity and inertia: I believe that the new combined forces of business model disruption (away from workers as standardised resources), and rising expectations of intentional employees (now seeking to contribute fully and openly) create a perfect storm for the old industrial education model and those who've benefited from it. This new context presents an opportunity - to reposition the role, priorities and success measures for organisational 'Learning and Development'. Some choices for mindset shifts ...

What drives your investments in corporate L&D?

"If you want to understand the deepest malfunctions of systems, pay attention to the rules and to who has power over them." Donella Meadows There are typically five different scenarios that trigger organisations to invest in 'L&D'. They all come from looking backwards and not forwards. These are: 1. Business reacting to external events.  2. Cost reduction initiatives. 3. Digitisation (optimisation) of existing business processes. 4. Process standardisation projects. 5. Responding to compliance audit risks. Note to Management: If these are the only drivers of your corporate L&D ' Agenda ' and / or ' Strategy ' then the goal is still control and not learning. (And, the L&D team is only operating as a reactive, reductive, internal vendor). Forward looking organisational development strategy for mid sized companies