Beware the comfortable vanity metrics in corporate learning

"Most of us are so stuck on the short-cycles of urgency that it's difficult to even imagine changing our long-term systems."

Seth Godin

Beware the lure of complicity in the old, entrenched, vanity metrics in corporate learning. These include:

Increasing course attendance

Increasing course 'satisfaction level'

Increasing 'Log ins'

Increasing 'Clicks'

Increasing 'Views'

Increasing 'Likes'

Increasing 'Downloads'

Increasing the level of centralisation 

Increasing the level of standardisation

"Leadership team approved"

Increasing learning technology spend

Increasing level of focus on 'learning goals'

Increasing level of focus on 'teaching what we already know'

Scaling formal learning

Increasing 'learning topics' focus

"High performing" (really) meaning "Highly compliant"

A focus on 'individual performance change'

An increasing level of interaction with the Learning and Development team.

Most organisations are addicted to these industrial measures - seemingly anaesthetised from seeing anything new. 

(Think about who these traditional, industrial measures really serve - and think about who really benefits from continuing to measure the same old things).

Dynamic organisational development strategy for mid sized companies


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