Building new organisational capability versus "managing training"

"Current performance is, axiomatically, dependant on current thinking. What works is changing thinking."

John Seddon

The 'L&D' function should (by definition) help leaders to define, enable, accelerate and role model a continuous learning environment. This can help people employees at all levels to shift their thinking, increase their impact and create new value for the organisation.

Where to start - to help create a continuous learning environment:

Develop and provide performance support:

Checklists, flowcharts, decision trees, pop ups, scripts, graphics and models, job aids

Open and widen access to new information sources:

Business Strategy, Business Vision, Business Values, Business results, team structures, processes, role descriptions, performance standards, team tasks and priorities, how customer needs link to individual and team tasks and measures

Facilitate and accelerate access to new challenges in work:

Personal development opportunities, measuring performance changes, managing projects, designing and organising work, encouraging innovation, mapping competitors, leading 'change' work

Encourage and enable people to take on new challenges outside of work:

Serve on the board of a club/association, enrol in a course of study, do research, initiate local projects, start and run a community of practice, give presentations, be a mentor for a not-for-profit organisation, be a coach, do voluntary work

Enable and facilitate knowledge sharing:

Blogs, Wikipedia, social networking, team networks, communities of practice, duplication knowledge from experts / exemplary performers, TED-talks, podcasts, shared video, forums, discussion forums, community management

Develop, support and accelerate continuous improvement tools:

Team feedback, 360-degree feedback, team reflection, online coaching and mentoring

Facilitate, accelerate and promote cooperation:

Social learning – by observation / practising together, content curation, coaching, mentoring, brainstorming, ideas boards, video conferencing, libraries, networks, document exchanges, informal networks, in house Wikipedia
(Which means we deliberately limit education (training) only to where it's appropriate...).

Dynamic organisational learning strategy for mid sized companies


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  3. Training is a key component of successful business ideasbusiness ideas. The concept of training is used in many different ways and has many different meanings, but it's important to identify whether your training is serving the right purpose and working for you as an individual or business owner/manager.


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