Control or learning?

"You can't be contemplative if you're in an achiever mindset.

If you're actively trying to achieve, you're focused on hill-climbing, optimising, and efficiency to get good grades (or whatever the measure is).

But being in a contemplative mindset is how you'll uncover big insights. You need to actively create space for long term thinking. You need to stop and smell the roses to clear your brain, and to actively seek to see the world around you in new ways."

This reality is the basis of most failed organisational change efforts. Reflection, contemplation, critical thinking and re-framing are a risk and a frustration for the 'achiever' mindsets that still make up the majority of corporate middle and upper management.

As Peter M. Senge says, "There are only two mindsets that can infiltrate an organisation: control or learning. It's a question of which one is dominant."


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