5 Es of enabling continual learning

"The Enterprise Leadership wants a Learning Culture? They are going to have to explain it, demand it, inspect for it, and hand out rewards and recognition when they see it, and punish the gatekeepers who are stopping it when they don't see it.

Otherwise, it's just yada yada."

Guy W Wallace

balance of 'Experiences, Exposure, Education' is a useful framework for ambitious L&D leaders choosing to be more than just passive internal training vendors.

But enabling these three strategies needs considerable pre-work to ensure they can take hold and enable new performance in practice:

1. Setting new Expectations - influencing leaders to recognise and lead a new role for ongoing learning AS THE WORK for everyone at all levels. 

(As opposed to 'learning' as a lazy shorthand for 'completing training' whilst we all carry on as before).


Deliberately creating a new Environment - Influencing leaders to see their role as responsible for creating the conditions needed to enable and accelerate continual learning.


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