48th and final blog post for 2023

"Most corporate 'L&D' is performative theatre. Events management. Investing £s into trying to improve the performance of individuals, without a focus on systems change is just a cargo cult. The status quo persists as Execs, L&D leaders and vendors all have to much to lose."

Paul Jocelyn

This my 48th and final blog post for 2023. Over 9,000 people have viewed my blog this year, with the most read post from 2023 being 'Barriers to progress'. 

I'm grateful for everyone who has taken time to read my posts this year, and I hope they challenged you - to reflect, re-think or choose a new approach. (That's the reason I write).

Writing this blog is definitely the most rewarding thing I've done in a thirty four year corporate career (as an employee, freelancer, and contractor). Choosing the discipline to write what I think and publish into the world with no expectations has been an entirely positive experience and I can't imagine stopping.

It feels appropriate to return to my final blog from 2022, 'Misinterpretations of Learning Strategy' as tellingly (inevitably?) I think these ideas still stand one year on.

All the best for 2024.



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