Learning and working are kept separate

"Applying curiosity is not possible in a reactive state."

Nathalie Martinek PhD

The 'philosophical' definition of 'learning' is very rarely discussed inside bureaucracies as the risks are too high.

When leaders challenge themselves and reflect on new possibilities, status, power, comfort, routine and control can be threatened.

The characteristics of 'learning' -  beyond directive, centralised, reactive, corporate adult education, might include:

A supportive, developmental environment:

Curiosity and the safety to question

Access to new ideas

Ability to experiment  

Connectivity across teams

Questions and Reflection as the basis of progress

This leap - enabled by taking responsibility for building a system within which learning is the work is difficult work for leaders. 

It's just easier to keep 'learning' as a separate, process oriented, compliance orientated 'Programme'.


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