
Showing posts from December, 2021

New 'L&D' investments are still driven by the same old thinking

"There's a difference between doing things better and doing better things. To change performance, change thinking. Thinking has the greatest leverage on performance." Hermanni Hyytiala  Common drivers for new ‘L&D’ investments inside bureaucracies: 1. Business reacting to external events 2. Cost reduction initiatives  3. Digitisation ( optimisation ) of existing business processes  4. Process standardisation projects 5. Responding to compliance audit risks I work with organisations who want learning to be an enabler of change and growth

Building new organisational capability versus "managing training"

"Current performance is, axiomatically , dependant on current thinking. What works is changing thinking." John Seddon The 'L&D' function should (by definition) help leaders to define, enable, accelerate and role model a continuous learning environment. This can help people employees at all levels to shift their thinking, increase their impact  and create new value for the organisation. Where to start - to help create a continuous learning environment: Develop and provide performance support: Checklists, flowcharts, decision trees, pop ups, scripts, graphics and models, job aids Open and widen access to new information sources: Business Strategy, Business Vision, Business Values, Business results, team structures, processes, role descriptions, performance standards, team tasks and priorities, how customer needs link to individual and team tasks and measures Facilitate and accelerate access to new challenges in work: Personal development opportunities, measuring...