New goal statements for your L&D team
"Sometimes the prospect of operating with levity is and transparency is scarier than operating with clutter, commotion and chaos." John Cutler The work of corporate 'L&D' inevitably reflects the system within which they operate. What is currently important to L&D teams is a measure of what is important to the leaders who own the system. If leaders are committed to change the system - to deliberately enable a new way of working and thinking to emerge, then the role and expectations of an L&D team would change to reflect this. Their new goal statements might then include: “To enable and accelerate organisational growth” “To enable competitive advantage” “To accelerate the culture and the capacity to solve new challenges” “To shift focus from learning events to continual learning” “To build capacity and conditions for innovation and performance improvement” “To create the conditions for personalised learning” “To provide con...