Clearer language helps confirm our level of ambition

"Systems are based on worldviews. That's why they cannot be changed with the worldview with which they were created."

Rebecca Vehling

Language is important if we are seeking to enable change in complex organisations. Sharpening our language confirms the level of our ambition and helps with accountability. If we aren't all clear on what we really mean then expectations can be miss-set and people can hide. 

There are a number of common terms in the organisational learning / change space that are increasingly vague and interchangeable. This vagueness reinforces the status quo by routing people back to the simplest, most comfortable approach.

In order to be a) helpful and, b) provoke challenge and reflection, I've set out my own definitions below:

"Organisational Development":

Common meaning: A short hand for providing a curriculum of 'courses and resources'; (digital or otherwise).

What it could mean: Deliberately enabling the (new?) connected system* required for people and the organisation to fulfil their potential.

"Organisational Capability":

Common meaning: A short hand for providing a curriculum of 'courses and resources'; (digital or otherwise).

What it could mean: The (new?) mindset, operating model, and aligned success metrics needed to transition to a sustainable, growth oriented organisation.

"Learning Strategy":

Common meaning: A short hand for providing a curriculum of 'courses and resources'; (digital or otherwise).

What it could mean: The deliberate choices and trade offs we are making to achieve our specific goals. Features of a learning (enablement) strategy could include diagnosis (of our current context and unmet opportunities), guiding principles and coherent actions.

"Learning Organisation":

Common meaning: A short hand for providing a curriculum of 'courses and resources'; (digital or otherwise).

What it could mean:  Facilitating the transition ('transformation') of the organisation by deliberately designing a system* that enables ongoing development and adaptation.

"Learning Culture":

Common meaning: A short hand for providing a curriculum of 'courses and resources'; (digital or otherwise).

What it could mean: The outcome of deliberately enabling, accelerating and rewarding a system* where higher performance through continual learning is the shared goal.

* 'system' = the environments, processes, structures and resulting cultures within which individuals operate. 


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