Systemically incompatible
"This allows executives to claim a focus on systems while still penalising individual contributors, thereby circumventing any meaningful systemic interrogation. This also conveniently negates leader responsibility for the very system they are in fact responsible for, simply by virtue of happening to be the ones in charge." Charles Lambdin Commercial vendors in corporate learning (inevitably) trade in improving individual parts on the system: 'Improve your 'Learning needs analysis'' 'Stop taking orders' 'Provide more performance support' 'Stop creating e-learning modules' 'Improve your measurement - no more 'happy sheets'' 'Upgrade your Learning Management System to a Learning Experience Platform' 'Use the right data' Etc. Etc. Etc. The reality is these individual interventions are usually incompatible with the existing system and so fail to take hold and scale. If we can step back from allowing vendors to...