Some steps to becoming a 'learning orginisation'
"The way organisations are designed and managed, the ways people's jobs are defined, create fundamental learning disabilities." Peter Senge Clearly define the role and priority for learning - as a strategic enabler for the change / success the organisation seeks Agree the (new?) characteristics of the organisation when re-orientated towards continual learning; (what people will do and not do and why) Acknowledge the barriers to continual learning today ; (the prevailing mindsets and preoccupations, the resulting management model, the incentives and rewards in play, the processes and measures of success) Agree in practical terms how these systemic barriers to learning will be reduced / removed Agree the new goals, strategy and tactics for enabling and accelerating continual learning which capitalise on changes to the system Agree the new measures by which we can reflect on positive progress as a learning organisation and adjust course as needed.