
Showing posts from September, 2024

Only working IN the system

"I think people in power have a vested interest to oppose critical thinking." Carl Sagan Most people in organisational learning are only busy working in the current system - doing what is expected, incentivised, and rewarded.  Every year the work is a combination of: Creating new 'programmes' and 'content' in response to new requests Finding new ways to 'market' the learning 'programmes' and 'content'  Introducing new technologies to create new 'programmes' and 'content' faster and / or cheaper Finding new ways to report on people's activity and reaction to the 'programmes' and 'content' Finding ways to run the 'programmes' and 'content' more cheaply. What would need to change for there to be appetite, ambition and capacity to work ON the system instead?

The false security of the 'Learning' zone

"In my opinion, you begin with understanding performance, not learning. What exceptional performance looks like and what is hindering or helping it. If we start with a learning focus, we start with the intention to create and/or add something new (i.e. content), when we should start by understanding what barriers exist to exceptional performance and how to remove them." Mark Britz In most organisations, the system ('the way the work works') results in a focus on 'Learning' rather than on enabling better performance.  The 'Learning' zone is a vague and therefore comfortable place for those who operate within it and benefit from maintaining it.  The 'Learning' zone is clearly separated from the 'supporting performance in the work zone' (which is dependant on defining operational performance standards)  and The (true) training zone (which is dependant on facilitating realistic practice and authentic ongoing feedback). The 'Learning'

'Talent' is now a catch all term

"Bureaucracy is a construction designed to maximise the distance between a decision-maker and the risk of the decision." Nicholas Taleb In most organisations 'Talent' and its 'Management' are now bureaucratic terms. They typically cover one or more of the following: 'Talent': A more socially acceptable word for 'employees'. An employee defined by leaders as of more value to the organisation than other employees, based on the definitions of 'valuable' that leaders have decided to use. 'Talent Management': Acknowledgement of an employees' potential (although not currently being fully realised). Encouraging people to join the organisation (recruitment) - new people that leaders think will do the things that need to be done in the way leaders want them done. Reassigning existing employees to new roles (internal job moves) - to do the things that leaders need to be done in the way leaders want them done. Grouping employees agains

Industrial leadership words L&D could choose to help redefine

"Stop looking for who's to blam e, instead starting askin g 'What is the System?'" Donella Meadows “Productivity” - "Learning better and faster" “Efficiency” - "Ease with which people can connect with those who can help and be helped “Problem solving” - "Sense making" “ROI” - "Increase in the level of enrolment as a result of our work together" “Digital Transformation” - "Moving responsibility into the hands of those closest to customers” “Centralised / Standardised” - "Trusting people to lead collaboratively" “Business Requirements” - "Striving for new insight and reflections" “Success measurement” - "Quality of interactions and their positive impact on customers" “Solutions” - "Enabling all parts to work together creatively"  “Delivery” - "Self starting, ownership" “Being granted the authority to...” - "Choosing to take responsibility".